Stroke of Midnight Page 2
He grasped himself at the base, stroked a few times, and another drop of moisture leaked out of his slit. I licked it, half-smiling as I did so.
"You'd like to, wouldn't you?"
I said nothing, merely raised my eyebrows, silently daring him to say it out loud.
"You'd fuck him if I gave you the go-ahead."
"Course I would." I opened my mouth wider to suck him again, but Dylan stiffened.
"Uh-uh," he said, shaking his head. He reached out with his free hand to pull my hair just enough so that I knew not to move just yet. "I know he'd fuck you. While you were downstairs, he said, she's not doing much to help, mate, and I asked what he meant."
"You have to tell me this now?"
"I know it's what you want to hear."
"Can't you let me get on with sucking you off while you speak?"
"Oh, Alexa. So eager. Don't you want to know what me and Jake were talking about?"
"Not much, I expect. I wasn't out of your company for long."
"Long enough for him to say, is she always this flirtatious and I hope you don't think I'm leading her on. I said no, she's just trying to wind you up. It's been a while for him, and he's said before he needs to get laid. I know he's frustrated. And you want to help him out, don't you? Suck me."
Slowly, I swirled my tongue around the head of his cock and sucked in the first inch. Hard. He liked it when I sucked hard.
Dylan let go of his cock and cradled the back of my head with both hands, fingertips clasped together in my hair. With each rocking movement of his hips he pushed more of himself into my mouth, barely giving me a chance to adjust.
"Maybe I should tell him he can have you. He needs some of this," Dylan gasped, throwing his head back and thrusting forward, even deeper into my mouth. With one hand I stroked his cock, with the other I gave his balls a gentle squeeze. Not too much. Just enough to bring him closer to the edge. I pulled back, enjoying his whimper of frustration when his cock was no longer in my mouth.
His erection, even harder than ever now, was warm against the palms of my hands, slick with a mixture of my saliva and his pre-cum.
"You'd let me suck your best friend's cock?"
"You seem to love doing it so much," he said with a lazy smile, his hands tightening ever so slightly in my hair. "It's rude not to share."
I licked another drop from his slit and his breath hitched in desperation. I'd probably only have to suck him for a few more seconds for him to come. "Would you let me fuck him?" I asked, looking up. We'd done this before, talked about fucking other people, quite freely, as if it were no big deal. But this time, it was different...maybe because there was a reason for it, rather than just teasing each other. Poor Jake, unable to get out of the house and socialise himself. Unable to meet other women. Unable to find someone to fuck.
Almost imperceptibly, Dylan nodded. Maybe, I thought, it was a twitch, a tic, something he couldn't control because he was on the edge of orgasm. "Yes," he said, his voice trembling even in that one syllable. "Yeah, I would. You want him, you can fuck him."
I smirked, licked my lips. "I love you." I tasted the head of his cock, tightened one hand around him at the base and took as much of him into my mouth as I could.
"Take it all, Lex," Dylan groaned. "If I'm going to let you fuck another man you've got to earn it." He forced himself to the back of my mouth, his thrusts getting faster and faster, and the sound of his helpless groaning turned me on, too. I loved knowing that I did this to him. I was getting wet myself, just listening to him, and my nipples strained painfully against the fabric of my bra. I'd need him to be especially rough with me tonight to take the edge off.
"Oh, fuck, Lex, I'm coming, I'm gonna come so fucking hard, I-"
Before he could even finish, hot semen spurted across my tongue, down the back of my throat, almost choking me. I had to swallow quickly and he kept coming, still whimpering as his thrusts slowed gradually. I carried on sucking, and licked his cock clean from root to tip even after Dylan lifted his shaking hands away from my head.
"Fucking hell. Fuck." He rubbed his face, staring into the middle distance for a few seconds while he gathered his thoughts. "That was amazing."
"I know what I'm good at." Slightly unsteady myself, I rose, and kissed him. He was never reluctant to kiss me even after he'd come in my mouth. There was very little that was taboo between us.
Even, apparently, his willingness to share me with another man.
Chapter Three
"You mean he doesn't actually know for sure I'm coming?" I asked, gaping at Dylan in amazement.
" a way he does. It's one of those weird situations where-"
"I'll say it is." Not that it was unwanted.
"As I was saying, one of those weird situations where he's cool with it, well, maybe not cool exactly. I mean, he wants it, but can't quite believe it's going to happen. So he's treating it like a joke. Bit like I did on the phone, to be honest."
"Still at the stage of pretending it's all a joke to avoid embarrassment should it all go terribly wrong, like I show up at his door and he's sporting a painfully hard boner and I say, Jesus, you didn't think I actually meant it, did you?"
Dylan shrugged as he drove. "Something like that. Guy's confidence took a knock. You can understand it."
"Yeah, but he's a goodlooking guy. The car accident didn't change that."
"No, but it changed his perception of what he thinks he is."
"God knows why. The accident wasn't his fault. There's no scarring on his face. He's still fucking gorgeous."
"Hey." Dylan flashed me a sideways look. "A guy could get jealous."
"If you were that jealous you wouldn't be dropping me off outside your mate's house for a night of filth and depravity."
"Excuse me?"
"Okay, a few hours, not a whole night," I said with a heavy, dramatic sigh, rolling my eyes as if I were so hard done by. There was only one rule. Okay, two, if you included 'always use condoms', which went without saying these days. But the main one was, like a character in a fairy tale, 'be out of there by midnight'. It was a gift Dylan was giving me, this time with another man to satisfy my curiosity and to satisfy Jake's lust, but this was a way of him putting a stamp of authority on the situation. And it gave me a chance to show that although I'd be Jake's for a few hours, I still belonged to Dylan.
He'd broached the subject with Jake by framing it as a bit of a laugh, a joke. "Hey, if you can't leave the house and won't use the internet to meet people, I could always send Alexa round to take the edge off." Jake had, likewise, answered as if it were all a game. "Sure, okay, I'm free on Saturday evening if you want to drop your girlfriend off for me to use. Actually, I'm free any night, come to think of it."
And so here we were.
Here we were.
"Go easy on him," was the first thing Dylan said when he pulled up in the parking bay near Jake's block. He left the engine running, prompting me to ask if he wasn't staying. "Hell, no," he said with a laugh. "This isn't something I want to watch. Although..." He stroked his chin thoughtfully. "Nah, Jake would freak out if I joined in."
"You know now I'm thinking of a threesome with the pair of you, right?"
"That's because you're a horny bitch." Dylan cupped my jaw with one hand, drew me in for a kiss. "Don't scare him, Alexa."
"Scare him? How would I do that?"
"Don't hit him with any of your freaky shit straight off. He hasn't been with a woman in ages."
"You don't think his best mate lending him his girlfriend until midnight is 'freaky shit' already? Besides, he might not have been with a woman in months and months, but that doesn't mean he was completely vanilla before. It's like riding a bike. If you're a dirty bastard, you never forget how to be a dirty bastard."
"Yeah, know what I mean. Go easy on the poor chap." Dylan smiled, and kissed me again, deeper this time. He sucked my tongue into his mouth and let the hand th
at had cupped my jaw come to rest on my thigh, just at the hemline of my skirt.
"You want me to tell you all about it afterwards?" I grinned, then gasped as Dylan pulled my knickers to one side and jabbed a couple of fingers inside me.
"Never forget. This is mine," he snarled, pushing deeper. Abruptly, he pulled his fingers out of my already wet pussy and held them to my lips. "Lick them clean."
Obediently, I parted my lips and sucked Dylan's fingers into my mouth, staring into his eyes as I did so.
"Now. Go upstairs, and be very, very nice to my friend. You let him fuck you in whichever way he pleases, then come home and I'll fuck you just to remind you who your cunt belongs to."
"Fuck." I swallowed, deep, and my breath caught in my throat. I loved it when Dylan spoke like this. I squeezed my thighs together, feeling the wetness soaking my panties. I'd been thinking about this moment all day, of course, and Dylan had refused to get me off on the way here. Jake first, he'd said. "He might need some...guidance?" I suggested. "Nerves. You know how it is."
"Ask him what he wants."
"He might be too shy to say."
"Then you ask him if he wants to do this, or that. Just don't..." Dylan smiled again. "Don't come on too strong."
"I'm showing up at his door to offer myself on a plate. You don't think that's coming on strong?"
"Pace yourself. Now go on, get upstairs and on your back."
I pulled him in for another kiss and whispered "Thank you," against his lips. "I won't forget this."
"Damn right you won't. I want your pussy so sore you can't walk in the morning. Now get."
I clambered out of the car, not as gracefully as I intended, legs shaky with desire. The strange thing was, I didn't know if that desire was primarily centred on my boyfriend or his best friend.
Somehow I made it to the door of Jake's tenement block and pressed the relevant button, wondering if he'd been looking out of the window for us. Perhaps doubting that I'd show.
"Jake? It's me."
"The one and only. Are you going to let me in?"
He cleared his throat. "Dylan with you?"
"No. He dropped me off. Just me."
"Oh." There was a pause, then the door buzzed. I grabbed the handle, opened it, and turned to wave at Dylan to signal all was well.
Which technically, I supposed, remained to be seen.
Chapter Four
Jake had the door open before I even reached the top of the stairs. Just cautiously, though, not flung wide in welcome. Half open, standing half-masked behind it. "This is a surprise."
"Liar," I said. "Dylan told me he phoned you."
"Well, yeah. He phones me a lot. We're mates."
"I know what he phoned you about."
"I thought he was joking. I thought you were joking. You know, all that..." Jake's voice trailed away.
"Flirting, when I was last here?"
"Yeah. I thought...well, that's just the way you are, isn't it?"
"Not with everyone. Just the good looking guys."
"And...Dylan doesn't mind?" he asked.
"I'm here, aren't I?" We spoke in whispers, both fearful that the sound may carry and of being overheard. I'd met no-one else on the stairs on the way up, though. I stood in front of him, hands behind my back and trailing my handbag, trying to look innocent and failing miserably, most likely. "You going to let me in? He's driven back to his place, now, so it's either that or I head down to the bus stop."
"No, no, here. Come in." Jake stood back, giving a watery smile as I walked past, bag still trailing behind me like I couldn't be any more casual.
"Can I, er...get you anything?"
I looked over my shoulder as he locked the front door behind us, raised my eyebrows.
"I mean, something hot. Shit, I mean a drink. A hot drink."
"No, thank you. Maybe later."
"Oh. Oh, right. Well, um..." Jake wrung his hands together, and I saw it would be down to me to set things at ease. Although how I'd do that, God alone knew. It was obvious what I was here for; we just had to figure out a way to break the ice that was ten feet thick.
"Shall we go through to the living room?" I didn't look back as I walked, figuring this room would be better than the bedroom. Less obvious.
Jake hovered in the middle of the room, his arms wrapped around himself, shoulders hunched.
I had to do something to get him to loosen up otherwise we wouldn't be able to exchange even a few words, let alone body fluids.
"If this is making you uncomfortable, I can always leave," I heard myself say. Softly, not as a threat, or as if I were in a huff.
"No. No, not that. I mean, I am uncomfortable, but..." Jake threw his hands up, clearly unsure of what to say, how to phrase whatever was on his mind.
I patted the settee, next to me. "You're allowed to sit beside me."
He took one step forward, then froze. "It's just...this is a weird situation, you know? I've known you for a while, Dylan for years, and...this. It's all strange."
I said nothing, but patted the cushion again, and at last he moved closer. Slowly. But he eventually sat down. I was careful not to touch him, or even lean in too close. "Shall we make a deal?"
"What do you mean?"
I shrugged. "Just to speak honestly. It's obvious you're jittery. You say it's a weird situation, and..."
"You don't think so?"
"Well, it's...I guess some people would say so. You've known Dylan for years; you must know how open-minded he is about...things." Maybe he didn't. Blokes talked about sex all the time - in fact, make no mistake, so did women - but how on Earth did you raise the subject of, hey, me and my girlfriend like to play around, push boundaries, as long as we have the other's permission?
"Yeah, It's like...oh, shit. I don't know how to put this." He shifted in his seat, but didn't stand up again, thank goodness, merely running both hands through his dirty blond hair.
I leaned in just a little closer, careful not to touch him. "I promise not to be offended by anything you say." And I winked, wiggling my little finger at him. "Pinkie swear."
"I feel like you're just winding me up."
My eyes widened momentarily of their own accord. "Like this is a joke? God, no. I'm here. So are you."
"And if you're really here, it's out of...pity." He spat the word out like a profanity. "I used to be the kind of guy who was...if you'll pardon the cliche, the life and soul of the party. Dylan will tell you that."
"He has."
"Now, I'm reduced this. I can't even leave the fucking house without having a panic attack and because I can't go out and socialise and meet women, my own friend's reduced"
"Reduced?" I echoed. "Let's get a few things straight," I added, careful not to bring anything other than gentleness into my voice, and cautiously laid a hand on his knee. He flinched ever so slightly, and I wondered what it'd be like if he wasn't wearing jeans and I'd touched his bare skin. Mind, if he weren't wearing jeans, the mood would be a lot less tense than it was at the moment.
"Dylan hasn't been reduced to anything because me being here isn't just his choice; I have a say in it too, you know."
"I know that."
"And I hardly think 'reduced' is the right word to use-"
"I'm sorry if I caused offence, but-"
"Shall I tell you a secret?" I asked, and he stopped, looked sideways at me. Nodded, without saying a word. "I'll whisper it," I said, crooking a finger and beckoning him closer. This time, he had to come to me. So close to the curve of his neck I could just about pick up the scent of his aftershave, I whispered, "I'm here because I want to be."
Jake gulped, his Adam's apple bobbing, and in that moment, the image of him throwing his head back as he came flashed into my mind. An image I'd thought about a lot, recently.
"You don't have to feel sorry for me," he said, quietly, but
with a sharp tang to his words that told of his resentment at his current situation. He moistened his lips and I couldn't take my eyes off his mouth, wondered what it would taste like.
"I don't." I paused, waiting for him to contradict me, but he said nothing. "I can prove it."
"How?" His gaze flicked down to my mouth and he coloured slightly when our eyes met again.
"Sit back. I'll show you."
Jake frowned, cocked his head. "You'll show me?"
"Yeah. Sit back. Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you. Promise." I couldn't help laughing. Guiding him to a place where his is this really happening nerves didn't bother him so much any more was going to be fun.
"Close your eyes."
"What are you going to do?"
Okay, good; that wasn't a refusal. Just curiosity. "Just sit back." I shook off my jacket, left it on top of my handbag at the end of the settee, and he flinched. "And close your eyes."
"Because I want you to concentrate on something. And given how nervous you clearly are, not looking at me might help. Go on."
He did as I bid, hands gripping the cushions on either side of him, not even letting go when my weight shifted on the settee and I positioned myself, kneeling above him.
"Are you right-handed?" I asked, and he nodded, automatically lifting his right hand as if offering it to me. "Good. Now keep your eyes closed. Just get used to how this feels." I massaged the palm of his hand with my thumb, and the corners of his mouth quirked up, as if it tickled him. With my free hand, I lifted up my skirt, and used the other to guide his hand into my panties.
Jake's eyes flipped open, his fingertips flinching.
"Trust me," I said. "Keep your eyes closed. Think about how this feels." I held his wrist, rolled my hips to make it obvious what I wanted him to do, and he easily slipped a couple of fingers inside me. I gasped at the relief of it; since I'd stepped inside his front door this evening I'd wanted him to touch me.
Jake's fingers slid inside easily, going deep.